Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday 4th March

It's in my nature to talk a lot. It doesn't always make for coming across as Mr. Smooth-Short-Dark & Mysterious to the under 30 ladies at happy hour. But it works really well on the over 45 crowd who seem to unconsciously equate my intelligent, yet incessant conversation with sophistication (don't get me wrong, i'm pretty sure I am sophisticated and all that, but that's a conversation for another time). Anyway, I bring all this up to try to explain the reason for this, my third (and hopefully final) blog.

See, when I first came to the realization that I always seemed to have something to say about anything, I tried several times to put all these ideas down blogs. The problem is, I could never really find a common thread on which to blog continuously, and the blogs quickly started sounding like someone with A.D.D.wrote them (maybe I have ADD?). Besides that, I realized I didn't have the capa to keep writing 3, 4, and 5 paragraphed articles for the reading pleasure of the masses (all 10 of them!)... not that my articles were anywhere near as engaging as my bar conversations....

Anyway, for some reason, I have decided to give this blog deal another go, and this time don't expect long, perfectly worded articles. This time around, I might blog in a single controversial sentence (If you don't like it, please write a book in the comments section and let's have a discussion), introduce you to The Annoying Thing, post some photos of my latest camping experience or just give props to people that I think everyone should aspire to be like...amongst several other things. Furthermore, I would appreciate, and will attempt to answer any questions posed to me by readers, so have at. That should keep things interesting...

I hope you enjoy this new blog, and I hope to be able to keep it, entertaining and somewhat informational for you.

Have a great Friday.

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